Thursday, March 4, 2010


I had date night with Tucker last Saturday. Actually we had a date lunch. Tucker wanted to see walking with dinosaur's for a while. I wanted to take him but the cost of the tickets always stopped me. The thought of buying tickets for 3boys and a husband gave me heart palpation's. So the kid that showed the most interest won. Cooper and Sawyer went to OMSI instead so they didn't suffer to much. By the time we tacked on parking and a cotton candy we were up to $90 bucks. I bought the cheapest seats I could get. Tucker had a great time. He ate a whole bag of cotton candy and asked me repeatedly what was the roar of the dinosaur saying? I don't know, maybe they are hot, tired, pissed off that I had to pay for these tickets. It was a great show don't get me wrong. The thing that bothered me was we were in the nose bleed section. Every seat surround me was filled. The good seats were empty. I don't mean a few seats but 100s of seats. Just sitting there empty. Here's a about donating those seats to children's charity. Allow kids who parents didn't have $80.00 to spend the gift of the show. The show was going to go on anyways. They still had to pay the cost of putting on the show. Or, lets gave the people in the nosebleed section the luxury of sitting in a section that didn't require oxygen mask for altitude sickness. And while we are at it lets gave people the nice rooms at a hotel when they aren't sold. And please, please bump us up to first class when seats are open. Just a thought.

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