Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I am soooooo sorry

I was feeling that I had this blog thing down. I was blogging with the best of them. I was feeling and looking good. That's where I made my first mistake. I somehow found the information on the 2010 world cup. Wow, I can look like a soccer mom who knows their stuff. Denmark finally has a team that could do pretty good this year. Having two parents who were born in Denmark left me feeling Viking blood cursing through my veins. I can do anything, at anytime because I am Viking.
To make a long story longer I decide to download the World cup Cookie on my page. That's when it all fell apart. Later that day I checked,as I often do to see if I had any comments. ( I rarely have comments.) I figure my Mom will someday learn how to write me a note. She maybe the only reader I have. My page disappeared and took me to a add I didn't want to go to. What the #$%^^^^@@!^. I was hit by my first virus. It was a bad one. Sparky had allot of work to do. So please except my humble apologies for the virus. I do not know what I do.....or something like that.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, don't I count for something here!! ; ) So, being Danish is the key to your fierceness, huh? I'm a mutt myself....Scottish, Slavakian, and enough Irish to solicite some kisses today! : ) You rock, Karen.
