Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Everyday Hero's

Once upon a time in the land of dreaming that I had a ton of talent and money, a girl hoped to be a Olympic athlete. That dream didn't come true. Really? You had no ideal did you?
Olympics and Olympic athletes were my hero's. They saw me Thu the storm of growing up. Never in my youth did I see that everyday hero's were all around me.
Hero's come in all shapes and sizes. We are all capable of being a hero.
The act of being a hero is of more substance . I think of that one special teacher who found a way to communicate with a child who was hard to reach. How about that special nurse who stayed with you because you were scared. The parents who worked and looked for every way to give you the basic needs. The fireman who run into a burning building. The girl who talks about the abuse she once suffered. The kid who handles brain surgery with more grace then you could ever hope for. The friend who gives you words of wisdom that makes sense at that one moment. The mother who despite a horrible upbringing gives you the best childhood ever.
We all deserve a "gold medal " moment. We all should have a box that gives us a standing ovation. We have a hero in us.

The pictures show my little hero. Tucker had his first horse show on Sunday. I am so proud. He was rewarded with a first place ribbon and confidence. How wonderful!!!

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